Thursday, January 15, 2015

Sunday January 10th 2015: Awaiting Activation

I should have written this, the same day but oh well who cares!!!
Sunday January 10th 2015, I was suppose to help sing at a church service. GOD knows I love to sing. If I couldn't sing I would die. No lie. Prior to that event there was one similar to it and I was on time, but everyone else was running late. So, I thought this time would be the same (should never assume lol) but nope, EVERYONE else was on time and I was running late. So I missed my opportunity to sing.

That service was normal. I didn't leave it feeling changed or renewed, but little did I know that later on that day I would encounter another service that would not only offer another perspective, but also bring confirmation.

For, awhile I have felt like I have been sitting, like "waiting in a waiting room." And what the guest speaker at Reaping The Harvest Christian Church spoke to my spirit...
This is a summary, not verbatim:

Being hungry to praise, love and be used by God to speak to his people is like a solider waiting to be deployed. He or She won't know the time or day of deployment, they just have to be ready to go when it is time to go.

The scripture was Acts Chapter 1:8 and the title of the sermon was:

Awaiting Activation

I didn't expect to attend a second service that Sunday. I was going to go home and take a nap, to be honest. But I was glad I went because for the longest time I have been "sitting around" "waiting" for some kind of change, sign, command etc so that I can finally start walking in the GREATNESS that is my life. So, I can finally start changing lives with prayer, a hug or a song. I was born to save lives, even if all I can do is one of those three things I mentioned above.

I felt like that service was confirmation for to get started on all the project ideas I have, also to possibly start the prayer line that I know would help a lot of people.
We will see...

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