Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Sanctity of Marriage: Call to Followers, Gladiators and Warriors for Christ

There is not one person that knows everything about relationships. It could be that you were married but never had much dating experience. It would be that you were never married but have much dating experience. The point is that you are limited to the knowledge of the experiences that you have had. That is all you know... until God chooses for you to know more by opening the door for you to have more experiences.

That is why it does not pay to be a "know at all" because you limit yourself to being open to learning not only more about yourself but also about other people.


It is sad to see so many people celebrate divorce. There seems to be no sanctity in marriage in anymore. People just do it just for fun, not being fully aware of the hard work that it takes to maintain a marriage, especially a God focused one.

It says in the bible that believers should not be with non believers. It clearly says that, yet many of my guy friends seem to have missed that lesson in their teachings because they ended up marrying women who were not equally yoked. The signs were all their, but they just chose not too acknowledge them.

It is sad to see young men get beaten down by life all because they won't accep their past and move and or they keep reliving their old happy memories. You can never grow if you can't staying in the same place, doing the same thing. What you had was great at the time, but God puts other people in your life so that you can make new memories in the phase of the life that you are at currently.

(This is the part where the excuses come in and they say "well I didn't know..." You did know that they were not the one for you. Red flags were everywhere! God put a bibl sign on your forehead that said "RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!" but you ignored it. So you only have yourself to blame for your own misery. That is one thing that I had to accept too in my failed relationships. I wanted to do what I wanted to and not follow in the Will of God, so God gave me what I wanted and they did what they wanted to do...)

This is what the word of God has to say:

"Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever?"

2 corinthians 6:14-15

I don't just think that this scripture means that believers should not be with non believers. I also think it means that whoever you are in a relationship with has to match your strenth in your mind, heart and spirit.

So how do you find someone that matches you on your same level in those 3 cateogries?

First, you have to pray, mediate and self reflect. You have to brutually honest with yourself about what you can and not handle. What you want and do not want? What you like and do like? Most people don't ever get this far. So, they just settle for the first pretty face and soft spoken voice until they find that their Mr. Mrs. "perfect" isn't so perfect after all.

Thats another reason why I tell people to show me their "ugly foot" because I want to see what I am getting into. It does no good to always be dressed up, ready to impress, always smiling all the time, singing love songs, because eventually someone is going to disappoint you. Eventually someone is going to lie to your face or hurt your feelings. For most of us we are not going to react in a peaceful manner (although we should). I'm being realistic here. We are going to get upset and want to give whoever hurt us a piece of our mind and most of us will. It is just natural.

I don't want anyone to present a perfect image to me, then when I invest so many of my years with them I find out that they really aren't who they pretended to be. That's another reason why I have asked God to increase the gift of discerning of spirits in me.

Spiritual warfare is very real. And those of you who are warriors or gladiators for Christ. You can not be with someone who does not readily understand about spiritual warfare and even stands active in it. Why? Because when unlikely situations come up, when your loved one steps out of character you have to be ready to battle, with the word of God and prayer the spirit that is attacking them.

In the past I dated guys who went to church, read their bible, knew all the scriptures front and back but when it came to spirtual warfare they knew of it but they did not know how to fight it. They thought that their intelligence was enough to battle the spirit. That is so far from true. Only the word of God and prayer can get a negative spirit off of you. So, with those guys I had to decline.

The enemy attacks our minds first. It might be that they plant a seed of doubt or fear or worry. Then that fear may cause you to not eat, lose weight and to not feeling good about yourself (heart). Then from there you could sink into a depression (spirit). That's why we Christians, warriros and gladiators have to be mindful of how we think and what we say. We also always need to keep a scripture on our tongue and pray for Gods protection.

I would like to be a wife and mother one day. It will probably be the two things that I actually end up being good at, besides singing in this life lol But I have found that waiting for God instead of trying to do things my way is always the best way to go. I know that when God sets something up that it will be ordered in his perfect will for my life. And he and I will fit like a hand to a glove.

I'm hoping there is a man out there who can match the strength in my heart, mind and spirit. But only God knows that.

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